In April the “PSD Experience” came to Norfolk. This was one of those traveling road shows where the organizers brought together a number of mentors and presenters in the style of After Dark. The fact that it was in Norfolk meant that I had no option save to attend. Photogs seem to enjoy being presenters as well, because it exposes them, allows them to market their merch and their concepts, plus make a little slow season money.
I mostly attended sessions rather than studio or street shoots, although I did go on a couple. One such was led by David Beckstead, who has a stunning style when it comes to wedding photography. Beckstead brought his model onto the streets of Norfolk and posed her in a a dramatic and unconventional way that led off the beaten path bridal images.
The takeaway here is to use your yes, take advantage of unusual juxtapositions, and move the camera around.
David Ferraro is the principal of Impact Photography, a Norfolk, VA based studio concentrating on weddings, events and portraiture. The studio website is, and David’s blog is If looking for the finest wedding photographers in Virginia Beach or Hampton Roads, be sure to speak with David.