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Just for fun, I went out last night to take some performance pix for an old friend, musician Amy Ferebee. The Herbie D Band with Amy Ferebee performed at the Courthouse Gallery, from 5-8pm during the gallery opening and Portsmouth First Friday. Most excellent acoustic blues and Americana music.

It was quite a night with a number of other local musical luminaries sitting in. They had another gig to play at 8, so it didn’t last long enough. But it was good!

Playing live at the Portsmouth Courthouse Gallery

Posted by: David    Tags:      Posted date:  March 4, 2012
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David Ferraro first picked up a camera in 1958 when his parents gave him a Kodak Brownie for his eighth birthday. Thus began a lifelong passion for photography and image making. He began his media career as a news photographer, and transitioned into video in the seventies. Over the last forty years, he built a career creating images and telling stories. David learned early on that a producer-director is first and foremost an interpreter, telling a story through ideas and images. That what Impact Photography, one of the premier wedding photographers in Hampton Roads, does: tells your story through carefully crafted images. Let David and Impact Photography interpret your event, create your portrait, and tell your story.